We envision united and developing Communities with common values and a shared Global Vision.
Join Hands,let's walk together.
Twende Pamoja Trust works towards promoting the development of a global vision in the context of relationship between communities and schools in Tanzania and the United Kingdom.
1953 – 2021
A visionary for peace
Michael Andrew Knox was born on 12 March 1953 in Blythe, Northumberland to parents Ron and Joan and was very close to his grandmother, Jenny. He attended St Cuthbert’s School, going on to train as a teacher at St Mary’s College, Fenham, Newcastle, where he formed lifelong friendships. At college, Mike was taught by the Sacred Heart Sisters, and that formation influenced him throughout his life, culminating in the creation of the Sacred Heart Centre in Kibosho, Mweka, Tanzania in 2018.
Twende Pamoja Trust operates in both Tanzania and Scotland.
Twende Pamoja
Twende Pamoja Trust operates in both Tanzania and Scotland. The fundamental purpose of Twende Pamoja is Developing a global vision in the context of relationships by creating international partnerships between schools and communities in Tanzania and the United Kingdom.
We bring together schools and communities from both Tanzania and scotland.
Be a Part Of
Our mission
To advance the education of the public in the life and culture of Tanzania and to share Scottish culture with Tanzanian people by fostering good community relations at all levels of society.
Schools conected
Members Worldwide
What We Achieved
Twende pamoja has achieved these millestones
Global vision in the context of relationship between communities and schools in Tanzania